
On 18 November 2019, Yinson celebrated another amazing milestone of 8 years without Lost Time Injury (LTI) for FPSO Adoon.

The achievement is a testament to Yinson’s commitment to health and safety, and the stringent standards upheld for vessel performance and crew safety.

Congratulating the team, Yinson Chief Operations Officer, Flemming Grønnegaard, said that milestone was achieved through the fantastic team effort and collaboration by all involved.

“FPSO units operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year during any weather conditions. At Yinson, the safety and security of our people is our priority, so we are indeed proud of what we have achieved in FPSO Adoon,” he said.

“My heartfelt thanks to all our passionate people who have worked hard to uphold the highest standards of safety on board FPSO Adoon.”

FPSO Adoon is currently operating in Block OML 123, Nigeria.

AT A GLANCE: Performance of FPSO Adoon

  • 217,676,783 barrels of oil produced
  • 311 cargoes exported
  • 4130 helicopter landings and take offs
  • 28305 boat operations
  • 8647 tool box meetings
  • 7,008,200 working hours clocked